
SunLight Petty Poetry

Hey SunLight Pets, this is part of Pretty Petty Poetry. This is our Spiritual poetry, and it’s for all ages. Enjoy.

By-Amanda D. Petty

A dark cloud hovers my broken soul.
An endlessly, icy, wind organized an artful plan.

Lord, are you truly on my side?
Do you really see my tears?
If so, help me to feel the Sunrays.
If so, heal my tears through Thy sweet Atonement.

The moving dark, cloud turns into a jet-black forest
Of sorrows, pains, depression, loneliness at my door.

God, I need you, where are you?
I can’t do this on my own,
Come, fast, please.
I silently cry.

A very still, small, Voice slice through the forest.
“I am Here. Lean on Me.” Says the Voice.
A feeling of beautiful calmness enters my life.

“Hurt, no more.” He says.